odds of winning
- 获胜几率
The odds of winning the lottery are a million to one .
Do you know the odds of winning the lottery once ?
The odds of winning are put at 76 million to one , what means that it is almost as likely as being hit by lightning twice on the same day .
Hopefully policy makers and bankers will manage to pull this trick off ; and indeed , the odds of winning this race rise with every day that passes without a fresh financial shock .
His formula allows a gambler to determine the optimal bet size if the gambler can estimate the odds of winning the bet and the pay-off for winning compared with the penalty for losing .
Past studies typically measured people 's appetite for risk by asking them to make choices in a laboratory setting between receiving a set amount of cash and playing a lottery with varying odds of winning different amounts of money .
Given that Apple appears to have more to lose in any one legal case than they might gain ( since Apple ships a much higher value of smartphones than any other player ) , logic suggests that Apple feels confident in its odds of winning patent disputes it initiates .
The odds of Tim winning the game are not high .
B : But he is so slow . What are the odds of him winning ?
And as it looks like that is not going to happen , the odds of her winning the nomination are very , very small .
The odds of our soccer team winning the World Cup are about a million to one .